
New Python books for GUI development

November 13,2013

Hi folks welcome back to yet another article. This one is going to be short. In this post I will be sharing two new books which have recently come out. These books are regarding GUI development in Python. In past several months we have not seen a lot of books focused towards GUI development in Python. Hopefully these two books will fill the gap. So without wasting any time lets look at them.

* Tkinter GUI Application Development Hotshot :

Its been a long time since we saw a new Tkinter book out there. This book has received some good critics by the professional python programmers. According to the overview given on the website you will :

* Test-Driven Development with Python :

Test-Driven Development with Python focuses on web development, with some coverage of JavaScript. This book uses a concrete example—the development of a website, from scratch—to teach the TDD metholology. This book is not completed as yet however most of it has been completed. You can read this book online for free or buy it from O'Reilly.

So now we come to an end of yet another useful post. Do follow me on twitter, follow this blog and comment below to share your views and to give me an idea about a future post. I will be waiting for your comments.

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