
Python 3.4 to be equipped with pip by default

October 22,2013

Hi there Pythonistas. A news has arrived thatpip will be available by default with python 3.4. PEP 453 which was "Explicit bootstrapping of pip in Python installations" has been accepted. Python 3.4 which has entered into the beta phase after the release of final alpha will have pip by default. If you are new to python then you might be wondering what pip is ? Pip is a tool for installing and managing Python packages. Previously easy_install has been the most used package manager. Easy_Install is a python module (easy_install) bundled with setuptools that lets you automatically download, build, install, and manage Python packages but has a lot of weak points in front of pip. In order to use pip you first have to install it by using easy_install. Why pip is better:

I hope you are as much happy as I am with the acceptance of this PEP. Do share your views in the comments below and don't forget to share this post and follow this blog in order to get the latest news relating with the python world.

acceptance news PEP pep 453 pip python